Unsatisfied with your life

Unsatisfied with your life? Fortunately, you get to choose the attitudes and behaviors that will increase your level of satisfaction!

This article by Joshua Becker,  9 Easy Ways To Become Unsatisfied with Life, provides an excellent opportunity for life reflection and the creation of a more satisfied reality. My husband and I had great fun discussing this article over our morning coffee time today. The article easily generated a lively conversation about life satisfaction and specific focus areas where we both want to grow. In essance, we took turns answering these questions:

  • Of the article’s nine common ways to become unsatisfied with life, which two are most challenging for me?
  • What is one positive action step I can take in each of my two identified challenge areas?
  • How can I hold myself accountable to the action steps I have identified?

Challenge:  Try this! Print out two copies of 9 Easy Ways To Become Unsatisfied with Life. Find a friend who will read and discuss the article with you. Take turns answering the questions outlined above. And while you’re at it, enjoy a cup of coffee or hot tea together:)