Be Kind. To You!

When you’re having a difficult time, fail, make a mistake or notice something you don’t like about yourself, how do you typically respond? With compassion toward yourself? Or with harsh judgement and self-criticism? Many of us find it difficult to offer ourselves the same understanding and kindness we would to a friend who is going through a hard time or feels inadequate. Instead we find ourselves stuck in constant debilitating self-judgement. As some of you already know, I signed up for swimming

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Compassion For Ourselves

The pictures I remember seeing of myself as a child are limited.  Yes, there were baby pictures of my siblings and me hanging in the house, but my parents stored most of their photos as slides which were packed into small cardboard boxes in the hallway closet. Upon occasion, my parents would use a slide-viewer or slide projector to view the slides with us kids, but  rarely did we get through all of them. When one of my brothers recently digitalized hundreds of my parent’s slides for a family

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